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Neuroscience Laureates

Huda Akil headshot

The Gruber Foundation presents the 2023 Gruber Neuroscience Prize to Huda Akil for contributions to the identification of the neural circuitry and molecular mechanisms that underlie a range of neuropsychiatric conditions such as stress, pain, depression, and drug addiction.

Larry Abbott Headshot

The Gruber Foundation presents the 2022 Neuroscience Prize to Larry Abbott, Emery Neal Brown, Terrence Sejnowski and Haim Sompolinsky for contributions to computational and theoretical neuroscience.

 Emery Neal Brown Headshot

The Gruber Foundation presents the 2022 Neuroscience Prize to Larry Abbott, Emery Neal Brown, Terrence Sejnowski and Haim Sompolinsky for contributions to computational and theoretical neuroscience.

Terrence Sejnowski Headshot

The Gruber Foundation presents the 2022 Neuroscience Prize to Larry Abbott, Emery Neal Brown, Terrence Sejnowski and Haim Sompolinsky for contributions to computational and theoretical neuroscience.

Haim Sompolinsky Headshot

The Gruber Foundation presents the 2022 Neuroscience Prize to Larry Abbott, Emery Neal Brown, Terrence Sejnowski and Haim Sompolinsky for contributions to computational and theoretical neuroscience.

Christine Petit Headshot

The Gruber Foundation presents the 2021 Neuroscience Prize to Christine Petit and Christopher A. Walsh for their use of genetic and molecular methods to elucidate fundamental mechanisms underlying hereditary diseases of the human nervous system.

Christopher Walsh headshot

The Gruber Foundation presents the 2021 Neuroscience Prize to Christine Petit and Christopher A. Walsh for their use of genetic and molecular methods to elucidate fundamental mechanisms underlying hereditary diseases of the human nervous system.

Friedrich Bonhoeffer headshot

The Gruber Foundation presents the 2020 Neuroscience Prize to Friedrich Bonhoeffer, Corey Goodman and Marc Tessier-Lavigne for elucidating developmental mechanisms that guide axons to their targets, a key step in formation of neural circuits.

Corey Goodman headshot

The Gruber Foundation presents the 2020 Neuroscience Prize to Friedrich Bonhoeffer, Corey Goodman and Marc Tessier-Lavigne for elucidating developmental mechanisms that guide axons to their targets, a key step in formation of neural circuits.

Marc Tessier-Lavigne headshot

The Gruber Foundation presents the 2020 Neuroscience Prize to Friedrich Bonhoeffer, Corey Goodman and Marc Tessier-Lavigne for elucidating developmental mechanisms that guide axons to their targets, a key step in formation of neural circuits.

Joseph S. Takahashi headshot

The Gruber Foundation presents the 2019 Neuroscience Prize to Joseph S. Takahashi for pioneering work on the molecular and genetic basis of circadian rhythms in mammals.

Ann M. Graybiel headshot

The Gruber Foundation presents the 2018 Neuroscience Prize to Ann M. Graybiel, Okihide Hikosaka, and Wolfram Schultz for discoveries on the organization and function of the basal ganglia.

Okihide Hikosaka headshot

The Gruber Foundation presents the 2018 Neuroscience Prize to Ann M. Graybiel, Okihide Hikosaka, and Wolfram Schultz for discoveries on the organization and function of the basal ganglia.

Wolfram Schultz headshot

The Gruber Foundation presents the 2018 Neuroscience Prize to Ann M. Graybiel, Okihide Hikosaka, and Wolfram Schultz for discoveries on the organization and function of the basal ganglia.

Joshua Sanes Headshot

The Gruber Foundation presents the 2017 Neuroscience Prize to Joshua Sanes for pioneering and inspiring work on synapse formation.

Mu-Ming Poo Headshot

The Gruber Foundation presents the 2016 Neuroscience Prize to Mu-Ming Poo for pioneering and inspiring work on synaptic plasticity.


The Gruber Foundation presents the 2015 Neuroscience Prize to Carla Shatz and Michael Greenberg for elucidation of the molecular mechanisms through which neural activity controls wiring and plasticity of the brain.

Carla Shatz Headshot

The Gruber Foundation presents the 2015 Neuroscience Prize to Carla Shatz and Michael Greenberg for elucidation of the molecular mechanisms through which neural activity controls wiring and plasticity of the brain.


The Gruber Foundation presents the 2014 Neuroscience Prize to Thomas Jessell for work on the differentiation of spinal cord neurons and their wiring into networks.

Eve Marder Headshot

The Gruber Foundation presents the 2013 Neuroscience Prize to Eve Marder for contributions to understanding how circuit dynamics and behavior arise from the properties of component neurons and their synaptic connections.

Lily Jan Headshot

The Gruber Foundation presents the 2012 Neuroscience Prize to Lily and Yuh Nung Jan for fundamental contributions to our understanding of both voltage-gated ion channels and neural development.


The Gruber Foundation presents the 2012 Neuroscience Prize to Lily and Yuh Nung Jan for fundamental contributions to our understanding of both voltage-gated ion channels and neural development.

Huda Zoghbi Headshot

The Peter and Patricia Gruber Foundation presents the 2011 Neuroscience Prize to Huda Zoghbi for pioneering work on revealing the genetic underpinnings of neurological disorders.

Robert H. Wurtz Headshot

The Peter and Patricia Gruber Foundation presents the 2010 Neuroscience Prize to Robert Wurtz for pioneering work concerning the neural bases of visual processing in primates.


The Peter and Patricia Gruber Foundation presents the 2009 Neuroscience Prize to Jeffrey Hall, Michael Rosbash, and Michael Young for pioneering discoveries of molecular mechanisms that control circadian rhythms in the nervous system.


The Peter and Patricia Gruber Foundation presents the 2009 Neuroscience Prize to Jeffrey Hall, Michael Rosbash, and Michael Young for pioneering discoveries of molecular mechanisms that control circadian rhythms in the nervous system.


The Peter and Patricia Gruber Foundation presents the 2009 Neuroscience Prize to Jeffrey Hall, Michael Rosbash, and Michael Young for pioneering discoveries of molecular mechanisms that control circadian rhythms in the nervous system.

John O'Keefe Headshot

The Peter and Patricia Gruber Foundation presents the 2008 Neuroscience Prize to John O'Keefe for pioneering work concerning the neural basis of complex cognitive functions in freely moving animals.

Shigetada Nakanishi Headshot

The Peter and Patricia Gruber Foundation presents the 2007 Neuroscience Prize to Shigetada Nakanishi, who developed tools that enabled him and others to probe fundamental molecular mechanisms of nervous system function.

Masao Ito Headshot

The Peter Gruber Foundation presents the 2006 Neuroscience Prize to Masao Ito and Roger Nicoll, whose studies provided the keys for our understanding of the molecular and cellular bases of learning and memory.

Roger Nicoll Headshot

The Peter Gruber Foundation presents the 2006 Neuroscience Prize to Masao Ito and Roger Nicoll, whose studies provided the keys for our understanding of the molecular and cellular bases of learning and memory.

Eric Knudsen Headshot

The Peter Gruber Foundation presents the 2005 Neuroscience Prize to Masakazu Konishi and Eric Knudsen, whose studies provided the keys for our understanding of the basis of sound localization and neural plasticity in the auditory system.

 Masakazu Konishi Headshot

The Peter Gruber Foundation presents the 2005 Neuroscience Prize to Masakazu Konishi and Eric Knudsen, whose studies provided the keys for our understanding of the basis of sound localization and neural plasticity in the auditory system.

Seymour Benzer Headshot

The Peter Gruber Foundation presents the 2004 Neuroscience Prize to Seymour Benzer, who initiated genetic studies of behavioral neuroscience and led the way to discoveries of evolutionarily conserved mechanisms underlying circadian rhythm and neural induction.